Author: Ashmini Karunarathne

The speed meter sprinted without turning back.The seat belt held me firmly on to the grey seat.I kicked off a ride with no way of turning back.I tuned on the stereo to keep up with the beat. Through the highway with the radio on I sensed,An unusual loneliness creeping into my heart.The streetlights flashed, flickered […]
The morning alarm struck, and I jumped out of my bed, In haste as a busy man, to welcome a brand-new year. Squash, smash and splash, kitchen sounds came voiced, My darling mom stood icing my birthday cake, in sugar. “Happy 20th my dear loving young woman”, she wished, As I sat beside her to […]
Golden rays tinkle my face, as I take my usual walk, Around the fragrant garden, in the morning hours. The bees ,butterflies and birds hover gayly over, Flamboyant flowers, rapidly as Olympic sprinters. In a deadly silent corner of the noisy, moistly loan, Dozes off a messy posy of light purple spiky flowers. Dripple-drippy and […]