A Walk with the Editor

There are tons of memories I cherish from my Gavel journey. In fact, every Gavelier has them. Having a simple plain tea with the gang to going on amazing outings – yes! We all have lots of memories to laugh back at.

Being part of the ExCo was just like the icing on the cake. You not only get to experience Gavel meetings and outings but also get to see how the club functions. From the very first time we had an ExCo meeting at the McDonalds’s near Uni, to the final meeting we had;  were all wonderful memories to me. Being the ExCo gave us the responsibility to take our club to the next level. Therefore, each and every time we had to make some tough decisions and come up with creative solutions to overcome our concerns, but we didn’t forget to goof around a little bit before we “officially” started the EXCO meeting.

Awww.. Look at us…

The special thing about our ExCo is that I see it as a family more than just a club committee. We always help each other out whenever we can, not only with club work but also with anything, regardless of our position at the ExCo. On a cheerful note, a huge shout out to Kaumadi, our VPPR and Nishedha, our VP Education for helping me out with my editing work. Guys, thank you so much for the help! I seriously couldn’t have done it without your help! I love you guys so much!

As the Executive Committee for the year 2019/20, we were able to produce the greatest number of authors and articles in our Gavel history. We published 40+ articles by 18 authors in one single term. I was able to introduce a new series titled the “Inspiring Gaveliers”, where all Gaveliers got the chance to convey their experience about their very own Gavel journeys. This series created a platform not only for our Gavel Club authors to publish their work and improve their writing skills but also it became a storybook for our newly recruited members to read our stories and to get a detailed idea about what Gavel is all about. I do want to mention here, that it was a wonderful experience to work with all my authors, and I hope the next Gavel editor will continue this series and continue to give our Gaveliers this platform in the future as well.

Gavel has helped me not only with my public speaking, and my writing skills – it actually changed my perspective of life. I know this may sound ridiculous for someone who doesn’t know about Gavel, but the people who really love Gavel knows what I’m talking about. At Gavel, we share lots of stories and memories that are dear to us as well as painful to us. We talk about topics that are not typically discussed within society. We talk about different sides of the story. In Gavel, we respect all opinions equally, and I think that’s the most valuable and special thing about Gavel. Regardless of your age, race, color, ethnicity, religion, your opinion matters at Gavel Club.

I am proud to say that I’m part of this huge family.



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