Two Universities Under One Roof, Sharing Random Thoughts

It was the 22nd of February and the Gavel Club of UOC was impatiently awaiting the presence of their honored guests for the week’s meeting – the members of the Gavel Club of University of Moratuwa. After a supposedly, interesting yet tiring journey all the way from Moratuwa to Colombo 7, they arrived, very enthusiastically and with warm smiles.

It’s always interesting to have joint meetings with other universities/institutes. In another club or society, a joint meeting would mean that you get to see new faces and work with new people. In the Gavel Club however, this me樂威壯
ans you get to understand new personalities and share new ideas. Let it be for 2 minutes during the Table Topics Session or just 20 seconds during the Round Robin Session, a speech by someone tells you something about that person; an experience they have gone through in life, something they believe in strongly or what they hope to achieve in the future; basically you get a tiny glimpse into that person’s soul.

Random thoughts and ideas, I believe, are what mould each of us to be the unique individuals we are. And that’s exactly what the theme for that meeting was – “Random Thoughts”.

All of us, at some time on a daily basis, zone out of reality and have some very random thoughts on some very random subjects. What would you do if you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? Why, in a country of free speech, do we have telephone bills? Ever thought about these things? These were a few thoughts that were shared during a very interesting Table Topics Session on that day.

Needless to say, it was a very interesting meeting where we learnt a lot of new things based on the random thoughts of different people. We really appreciate the effort taken by the students of the  University of Moratuwa for attending the meeting and we hope to see them again soon.

Gavelier Amra Mohideen | Faculty of Science | University of Colombo.

Flyer credits : Gavelier Kashmir Karunanayake.


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