“New beginnings are a sign of hope to reach new horizons filled with unlimited opportunities and challenges to prove oneself”.
The 8th Gavel Insta樂威壯 llation of the Gavel Club of University of Colombo was held with this single goal in mind. As the previous executive committee bid farewell, the incoming executive committee took over the job to carry the club to new heights. It was held on the 12th of December 2022 at the Lakshman Dissanayake Auditorium of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Many Distinguished Toastmasters including DTM Nisal Weerakoon, the Guest of Honour, DTM Mafaaz Ifharm, the key note speaker and the senior treasurer Dr. Iroja Caldera graced this momentous occasion. The induction of new members took place with TM Uditha Weerasinghe leading the ceremony as the inducting officer. It was a proud moment for Gavel UOC as a new generation of undergraduates pledged to take over and work hard as the gavelliers of the club. The induction of the executive committee for the terms 2022/2023 was the highlight of the event. The installing officer DTM Arshad Nizam took the lead in handing over controls to the incoming ExCo according to the traditions of the Gavel community. One of the most glamorous moments of the installation was when the new executive committee stood up on stage, their faces beaming with joy and pride. Our new president GV Naethree Premnath delivered her acceptance speech that showcased her fun, loving, extroverted personality we all know mixed with a sense of responsibility and seriousness.

It was an evening mirroring the colour purple and silver making each and every individual shine in their own aura. This was further ensured with the distribution of special awards that were a symbol of appreciation to each and every member for their smallest contribution towards the club. Every single person had a role to play and as the Co-chair of the organizing committee that took part in planning and executing the event, it was truly amazing to watch all the blood sweat and tears of the executive committee and the team members be rewarded with such an enthralling installation ceremony. Everyone was eager to capture their precious moments with their loved ones and it of course led to a very interesting photo shoot that was also able to capture the very essence of the event. A group of people more like a family joining together to celebrate the budding leaders who would take over control of the Club and its activities.

The evening felt magical with the singing and dancing entertainment items that captivated the hearts and souls of the audience. It was without a doubt an unforgettable day for all the gavelliers alike where they learnt that with “great power comes great responsibility!!” and of course 3 words echoed through the hall as the event came to an end.
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