“The One with the NIBM Gavel Club”

The newest and most unexpected addition to the list of changes that Covid-19 has brought in to the world is, that the university students are dying to get back to their universities. Come on. Who are we kidding? We never wanted to go back to the place of lengthy lectures, endless assignments, and finally the stressful exams. But there are things that we do miss about the university. And that’s where our joint meeting with the Gavel Club of NIBM comes in. 

The Toastmaster of the 179th Educational Meeting, GV Dasitha de Costa from UoC, came up with a timely topic- “What we miss the most about university”. 

The Round Robin Session conducted by GV Abdul from NIBM spiced things up. Everyone joined in and shared what they miss about the university and I must say, none of them missed the lectures. The highlight of the day was the Prepared Speech Session. We were lucky enough to witness three CC speeches, a CC3 speech by GV Kithnuka (NIBM) on “Taking Tests”, a CC5 speech by GV Hirudini (UoC) on “Bold, Beautiful and Brilliant”, and finally a rare opportunity of listening to a CC8 speech by our own Mr. President of Gavel UoC, GV Uditha, on “The Average Joe”. We learned a lot from these three excellent speeches, and they all got great evaluations (which were obvious and well deserved in my opinion) at the end. 

Then GV Thanushi from  UoC started the Table Topics Session with four wonderful topics in her hand. It took only a few seconds for GV Heshan from NIBM to grab the chance of doing an impromptu speech.  He was followed by three more Gaveliers from  UoC, GV Thenuka, GV Aloka and GV Dasitha for the next table topics. They were evaluated by GV Ameli from NIBM and GV Tharindi from  UoC. Most of the feedback we heard were positive comments, which will give you an idea on how good these impromptu speeches were.

Afterward, GV Nazeeha from NIBM, the General Evaluator, presented her final report with the help of her team consisting of the Ah-Counter: GV Ganeshiny ( UoC), the Timer: GV Aloka ( UoC) and the Grammarian: GV Janith ( NIBM), who had picked “Yearn” as the ‘Word of the Day’. The formalities ended officially with GV Uditha adjourning the meeting. The final bit was the most fun. We all switched on our video cameras to get the virtual selfie that we’ve been taking for nearly 4 months now after every meeting.

And then came the Plain Tea session (about which you can read on our blog article by GV Malmi. Unfortunately, the Gaveliers from NIBM had to leave for another session, but most of the UoC Gaveliers and one GV from  NIBM stayed for the Plain Tea session. This session went on until our parents started calling us for dinner. 

Overall, it was a wonderful day with a very entertaining Joint meeting. Gavel is all about meeting new people, improving your communication skills, and sharing your opinions. I think this meeting is a perfect example of all of that. We will be looking forward to have another joint meeting with Gavel NIBM in the future.

“Stay Home & Stay Safe” (as preached told by the Ministry of Health)

Until next time,

GV Sasinidu.


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